Thursday 15th February 2024
Reflections on Newday 2015

Reflections on Newday 2015

Adrian Holloway on August 20, 2015 with 0 Comments

Here are some reflections on Newday 2015 . . . On Wednesday night when I prayed for people to be healed in Jesus’ name, we saw 281 people report a physical healing. 244 of these were immediate. By immediate I mean that within 10 minutes of a short prayer ending, we’d heard 244 healing reports from 244 different people. We then got an additional 37 from those who were also healed on Wednesday but these 37 only found out after Wednesday night that they were healed. They told us three days later on Saturday morning. Over the past 10 years, we have helped to establish the credibility and reality of these hearings, by waiting for one year before publishing the stories. This shows that the healings have have stood the test of time, and gives those healed a chance to get the healing medically verified. We can celebrate in some detail hearings from the year before, and we had some great ones (including those I wrote about last week). Of course this is just one element of what was an amazing week once again. First of all it was tremendous to worship God with 7,000 people and Simon Brading has done such a fantastic job with the band. Looking round the tent during “Move like this” on the night Mike Pilavachi preached is something I’ll never forget. Hearing Joel Virgo preach on ‘shame’ was also very moving, as he connected with so many people. I thought Livy Gibbs did a tremendous preach, breaking new ground on the Wednesday night after the healings, Mike Pilavachi did the funniest and most J John like talk I’ve ever heard him give. I didn’t want it to end. And Stef Liston and Ben Rowe also hit the ball out the park. Andrew Wilson gave us some Champions League quality teaching also, although we have rather come to expect as much! And I haven’t even mentioned all the main sessions. But in short, it was great to see so many friends, old and new, and it is still the Holloway family highlight of the year. I’ve added some photos, including some from my preach on forgiveness on the Thursday night and let’s not forget that stat on the screen that said we saw 297 first-time commitments from people becoming Christians for the first time at the event. To stand on the stage and be part of what God is doing was a huge privilege.



about the author

Adrian is married to Julia. They have four daughters. He is based at Everyday Church in Wimbledon, and has written two books, "The Shock of Your Life" and "Aftershock," which tackles the strongest objections to Christianity in the form of a novel.