Eleven people responded for salvation when I visited The Coign Church, Woking on Sunday 20th June. It was an encouraging morning, and it was great to see some old friends there, and to see the church in such good heart. I preached at two repeat services and spoke about the “Thief on the Cross”. There were baptisms also, and some great testimonies from those being baptised. I did not go for healing. It was great to see the church meeting in their new building, the HG Wells Centre. I felt at home preaching in a theatre!
Since then I have begun a series of three mornings at Westminster Chapel, which I have called “Life’s Greatest Adventure.” This coming Sunday (4th July) is the second in the series of three. Last Sunday I was amazed to meet an old school friend who I last saw in 1983. He was doing the deaf signing during my preach on Acts 17:26 at the Chapel. We’ve both become Christians since we last met! It is a great privilege to be involved with the guys there, who are always so welcoming.